Every time I see a US 'breaking' film, I always see these no talent guys doing simple moves that almost every B-boy can perform. a flare is a move that I usually see in American movies. Even I can perform A flare, It's really easy. Most of the time whenever I see someone do a flare in American films people get amazed while crews in Korea such as Extreme crew can do a flare into a handstand and hold it for over 10 seconds in one smooth move.And another move that is overused in American breaking films is the headspin. Usually theres some guy in a hat doing about 7 spins while a member in Extreme crew can do over 60 headspins at once (seriously).
Why in every single American break-dancing film it only shows no talent guys performing easy moves? And no, I'm not racist.บทความจากคุณ -Kirbyangel-