meet drink 10 the liter builds [ wasp ] a person builds [ wasp ] year while India Chinese drink 5 ten thousands million the liter builds [ wasp ] year

From a sentence looks familiar that drink plentiful milk will have tall but in already fact milk no give the advantage only the height for the small children only milk still beverage for the health that gives the advantage for every every age gender the worth of milk abound measure and significant for worldwide people by have the specification to day universal of drinking milk world-class

Food of the United Nations organization or The Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO fix give date 1 June of every year be day drink world milk (World Milk Day) for the country is all and the organization where give precedence and support consuming milk get accompany with very the activity fights and encourage see the importance of consuming milk with knowledge alms and the advantage of milk to people by now abound more 35 worldwide countries where have activity arrangement day drinks world milk such as The Republic of China India Vietnam England Australia Sweden Denmark etc.

For in Thailand activity day drink world milk get continual very be year that 2 in this year by a company brand be defeated ( Thai is ) limit distributor equipment company in the procedure produces and pack the food include the package like [ model ] The sterile or UHT box cooperate disease bone riddled of Thailand foundation in a monk supports of His god elder brother Mrs.she majesty local ruling beautiful woman prince at Vattana Krom Narathiwas fungus Luang bumps against to pour and producer milk company fully drink in Thailand very the activity announces for fight to give people sees to arrive at eatables milk importance for reinforce good health particularly consuming milk for help to protect the disease riddled bone and in this year activity day drink world milk very go up in date 30 . , . 2551 at ( grounds/spring ) front area Siam a litter make straight for , sign the stump from 11.00 o'clock from now on

Eyes Mrs.trick at rush faction director communicates the organization company brand be defeated ( Thai is ) limit tell that the data about consuming milk rate and the products from other milk worldwide meet that in year 2550 Buddhist Eras have consuming s about million 242,000 the liter for the country in strip [ zone Asia ] especially the Republic of India and Chinese there are consuming milk upland rate go up continually by in India has consuming milk rate in year 2550 Buddhist Eras about million ten thousands 5 the liter tall increase from year 2549 Buddhist Eras about 1.4 involve million the liter People's Republic of China part there is consuming rate about seven ten thousands one involve million hundred five the liter increases from year 2549 Buddhist Eras about 1.5 involve million the liter while , Japan has consuming rate more than 6 s involve million the liter in year a Buddhist Era is 2550

For in Thailand consuming milk rate still rather a little by have consuming milk quantity just generally million 1,600 the liter , by divide consuming UHT-treated milk shares 10 the liter builds [ wasp ] a person builds [ wasp ] year which , make majority Thai meets with a problem torns the calcium , and cause must confront with disease bone riddled condition especially in location crowd in working age and old people

Milk beverage for the health in fact disease bone riddled foreign countries foundation (International Osteoporosis Foundation or IOF) specify that milk and the products from other milk be the food fully consume that get easy very stay in food group that have calcium tall mineral most which be significant at most in the addition builds the bone strongly by the calcium that the body can absorb to go to use well most
And still a place totals up necessary nutrient builds [ wasp ] the body because give both of the protein and mineral important salts such as phosphorus carbohydrate fat and the vitamin milk helps to reinforce the bone strongly building strength gives with the bone since age still a little will help protect don't give the bone has definitively easy when old go up because when age 35 go up the body of the human will quietly begin lose the bone will more to than build the bone the way is simple to help heal the bone and born losing bone least be drinking milk regularly for the body receives the calcium sufficiently protects the high blood pressure
From the education meets that the nutrient in milk both of the Chinese gambling staggers magnesium and the calcium entirely contribute to don't give high blood exceed pressure usual more for tooth good health usually tooth meat has a substance coats the handle is strong part most in the body of the human which compose the calcium the tooth then want the calcium for helps to reinforce give strong tooth has good health milk abounds with the calcium and other mineral at advantage build [ wasp ] the tooth , there is the protein that help to give the tooth grows up and repair the part that are worn and help coat tooth skin as well help control the weight many a person avoids to don't drink milk because , believe in that milk makes fat but TRUE already neither will the fresh milk milk is depleted the fat or milk has no the fat there is fat quantity only , 3.9%, 1.7%, , and , 0.3% , only
Milk be beverage that commit not different refreshment from the drinking water drinking milk one just or two a glass will help to make feel cheerful and still make receive nutrient worth that the body wants as well 1 milk is box with every the worth of the nutrient that the body wants calcium build the strength gives with the bone and vitamin tooth B 12 help to build carbohydrate erythrocyte give the energy and magnesium body build the strength gives with phosphorus muscle build the energy gives with the cell in the body and make strong Chinese gambling bone staggers help maintain one's position the blood pressure usual to the protein reinforce the progress and repair the part that is worn the vitamin B 2 s make the skin have good iron health help immunity system in the body
At deliver a speech come to all this only the advantage of milk that conspires general and reach the time already ? at us must stimulate to give every every gender age Thai turn to consume milk too much go up
today or not yet are you have drunk milk already ?
credit : HoDe