In order that for accompany with seek the way solves the environment that all country confront which from the meeting on that occasion have the agreement accompanies with varied such as the arrangement stands environment of the United Nations project (UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme) at have the head office at capital spinning wheel city B the country K a medicine and country all government all right take the agreement from the meeting at that time goes to establish side environment institute goes up in the country of the self thus for starting point recall of the cooperation from various the nation in the sense of the environment the United Nations Organization has then the notice gives date 5 June of every year day world environment
Which environment of the United Nations project dares to that follow and evaluate important change of the environment and encourage have the change to good way and for the aim has achieved then fix the way keeps as follows
Build the attentiveness in learning about [ story ] the environment and testify study with people and general student , testify support academic and announce a story about the environment for encourage have the change goes to in the sense of that good reinforce give the institute and a person in the institute realize environment problem
Besides still have the agreement from the meeting come to manage establish side environment institute goes up in the country of the self which Thailand all right act of legislation brand encourages and heal environment state 2518 Buddhist Eras have and to form the Office of the National Environment Board go up when , date 12 February 2518 Buddhist accident starting point important Eras of operating side the environment s in Thailand , by later in year 2535 Buddhist Eras all right have changing structure s of the Office of the National Environment Board s are 3 an institute be
1. the Pollution Control Department
2 the Department of Environmental Quality Promotion
3. policy office and environment plan , science Technology ministry and the environment
And in the part of the educational institution all right has the arrangement teach side environment course go up in many university which can count that be step important of alertness side the environment moreover a mass medium all right encourage is born alertness in environment problem more and more which day world environment in each year will have the heading differently go out
2528 Buddhist Eras are youth , people , and the environment , (Youth, Population and Environment) , 2529 Buddhist tree Eras for the peace , (A Tree for Peace) , 2531 2530 (Public Participation,Environment Protection and Sustainable Development) Buddhist Buddhist Era participating in Eras of people , the covering covers up to protect the environment , and the development permanently , (When people put the environment first,development will last) , 2532 Buddhist condition world Eras are hot , (Global Warming,Global Warming) , 2533 Buddhist Eras are child , and the environment , (Children and the Environment (Our Children,Their Earth)) , 2534 Buddhist change Eras are weather atmosphere , (Climate Change : Need for Global Partnership) , 2537 2536 (Poverty and the Environment : Breaking the Vicious Circle) 2535 (Only One Earth : Care and Share) Buddhist Buddhist Era Buddhist Era world Eras are one , a family is same , (One Earth, One Family) , 2538 Buddhist Eras are people , be one ( part ) of world environment , (We The Peoples,United for the Global Environment) , 2539 Buddhist Eras love the world , : , take care house our hometown , (Our Earth, Our Habitat,Our Home) , 2540 Buddhist Eras for the life that s last long on the the Earth's surface , (For Life one Earth) , 2541 Buddhist Eras are sufficient economy , support life last long , (For Life on Earth "Save our Seas") , 2542 Buddhist Eras love the world , love the future , take care the environment , ("Our Earth,Our Future...Just Save It") , 2543 Buddhist Eras year 2000 life millennium are environment , : , share think , share do , for the world , for we , (2000 The Environment Millennium :Time to Act) , 2544 Buddhist Eras affect wide world , share build weave life relationship , (CONNECT with the World Wide Web of Life) , 2545 Buddhist Eras give a chance the world s recover , return the joyfulness gives the life , (Give Earth a Chance) , 2546 Buddhist Eras take care the water for the all of life , critical before come to visit , (Water - Two Billion People are Dying for it!) , 2547 Buddhist Eras share to protect , share take care Thai sea , (Wanted! Sea and Oceans - Dead or Live?) , 2548 Buddhist city green Eras are bright , come together plan for the world , (GREEN CITIES PLAN FOR THE PLANET!) , 2549 Buddhist Eras enhance the moisture , return to the nature , (DON T DESERT DRYLANDS!) , 2550 Buddhist Eras decrease hot world , with enough life , (MELTING ICE-A HOT TOPIC) , 2551 Buddhist Eras decrease critical hot world , : , change the behaviour , fine the idea , to carbon low economy , (Co2 Kick the Habit ! Towards a Low Carbon Economy) , 2552 Buddhist you Eras are the power , help stop world hot condition , (Your Planet Needs You - Unite to Combat Climate Change) , the world is hot , be born a lot of disasters , thus reach the time already at we will share to help